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Mike's One-Day Computer Workshop
from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

With a 1-hour lunch, some short breaks in-between,
and free raffles given throughout the day!

(If you think this class is boring, you got another thing coming!)



25 hands-on senior students at their laptops during a workshop.

Fun 1-Day Computer Class

Class above held in Midland, Michigan.

  • Administrators took a moment to welcome the new students and briefly talked about upcoming events at the center. (This was good Public Relations time for the center!)

  • Not one student complained about the duration of the class but, to the contrary, students gave overwhelming praise for how the entire workshop was conducted. (See evaluation information below.)

  • During the workshop, Mike periodically threw kisses at seniors who answered questions correctly...(Hershey's Kisses that is!)

  • The atmosphere was "charged" with "senior-friendly" instruction and students felt comfortable to ask questions at any time.

  • Raffles would go on a few times during the day! Mike would give away small gifts to those who had matching numbers pulled from a mason jar!

  • A number of laptops were supplied, and many students brought their own laptops to practice on.

  • Mike used a large "live" screen to demonstrate everything that was done in class as students followed along.

  • Mike's "No Student Left Behind" teaching techniques really helped ALL students learn computers.

  • Short bathroom breaks were taken throughout for weak bladders.

  • A one-hour tasty lunch was taken for an incredible price at the senior center as seniors and staff met lots of new friends.

  • Mike had plenty of short corny computer-related stories to make his points along the way.

  • The response was so overwhelming, there is a waitlist for approximately 25 ADDITIONAL students for next month and 17 for a cell phone class the month after!

Student evaluation sheets were "out of this world!" Twenty-two
sheets were filled out and there were 9 statements on each sheet.
(22 x 9 = 198 statements students rated.) Students rated each statement,
such as: 1) I felt the time well spent, 2) the instructor's knowledge
on the subject, 3) I would recommend the class to others, etc.


On a scale of 1 to 4 (1 being "strongly agree" and 4 being
"strongly disagree"), there were 185 responses with 1's (strongly agree),
9 responses with 2's (agree), and 1 response with 1+ (off the chart).
There were no responses with 3's or 4's.
There were 3 unanswered questions.


(This information can be verified with program coordinators.)

A Typical One-Day, Five-Hour Computer Workshop
(Showing twenty-five students attended. There was a mixture of old and new
with a waitlist for an additional 25 more students next month...WOW!)

Student survey sheet

The instructor was very good & had a desirable book to help me. Thank you and I needed this course a long time ago.
M.L., Midland, MI

Your patience is admirable! Enjoyed the class. I've used computers for years but learned a lot in the class.

E.K., Midland, MI

More students at computers

Time well spent!

R.K., Midland, MI

He's a great instructor

A.B., Midland, MI

More students at computers

Highly recommend this class. Mike is fun and very knowledgeable!

C.B., Midland, MI

Hope we can have this class on a regular basis. Thank you for doing this.

A.C., Midland, MI

More students at computers

Great class, glad we came!

P.K., Midland, MI

Great tips!! Learned so much
I didn't know already.

S.H., Midland, MI

All Pictures Here Are Two Different
Classes, Held in Midland, Michigan!

More students at computers

Loved this class. Mike easily explained info in an easy to learn manner.
Finally feel like I have some basic, beginning computer knowledge from which
to learn and grow. Looking forward to future classes!

J.H., Midland, MI

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