Mike Wilson's - Basic Live/Virtual Computer Classes.
Convenienty Take Classes at Your House!
Register with 1 of 25 centers around the country for
26 fun & basic computer classes
by Zoom or in the classroom!
Also see the "Workplace" Computer Literacy classes
E-mail Mike at backoncourse@att.net
1000s of satisfied students in over 60 cities!
"Help! I Have a Computer and the
8-Year Old Is Too Busy This Weekend!"
(Copyright 2017)

(Plus $6.00 shipping and handling in the United States)
Please enclose a small sheet, legibly written with your name and
return address, along with your check or money order to:
Library Computer Tutor
23200 John R. Road - #984
Hazel Park, Michigan 48030-9998
(This book is for Windows 10 only. Not for Windows 7, 8, 8.1,
or any Apple products including any tablets.)
Make check or money order payable to:
Library Computer Tutor
(After mailing, please allow 5-10 business days* to receive your book)
(*Please allow additional time when using a personal check. Personal checks must be processed by the bank before your order will be shipped to you.)
You may enclose your E-mail for upcoming computer "tips and tricks" sent to you. Mike will also inform you of his ongoing classes or a one day "Computer Explosion" seminar for seniors in Michigan areas.